My Device Identifier?

What is a UDiD?

Every iPhone, iPod, iPad, ATV & Watch has a 40 character long Unique Device Identifier made up of numbers and letters that are specific to that one device.
For example:

Why do we need your identifier?

Our registrations are device specific, so in order for our software and iOS application to function correctly on your device we need the devices identifier during your order.

Device Serial Number (NOT NEEDED)

iOS 9 UDiD Registration - iSignCloud AppAddict NO Jailbreak

Device Identifier Number (Click Serial Number)

iOS 9 UDiD Registration - iSignCloud AppAddict NO Jailbreak

How to find your identifier

Do not use iOS applications to find your identifier! Only iTunes or profile checking can get your right identifier!

Just tap on this link from your iDevice!


1. Connect your iPhone to your computer, open iTunes and under "DEVICES" on your iPhone.

2. Select the Summary tab and click on the word "Serial". This will replace the serial number with the identifier.

3. Right click the identifier and you will be give the option to copy unique identifier. Paste with Control-V (windows) or Command-V (mac) into the bar above your chosen payment processor.